Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Ducks in the Lagoon

During Holden's time in New York, he professes a deep concern for the well-being of the ducks that live in the lagoon in Central Park. He inquires of people if they know what happens to the ducks as the lagoon freezes over due to the cold temperatures of the winter. Eventually, Holden travels to the lagoon to look for the ducks. All of the thoughts about the ducks potentially dying lead him to think of his own death and mortality and cause him to panic, seen by his sudden heavy breathing. As he has grown up Holden has experienced death, such as when his brother, Allie, died. This is a major aspect of the novel as it represents one of Holden's internal struggles, the mortality subject, and also deals with the death of his brother Allie, with whom he had a strong brotherly connection.

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